Raising money has never bee so easy

Bring Innovative Ideas To Life.

Raising money has never bee so easy

Bring Innovative Ideas To Life.

Raising money has never bee so easy

Bring Innovative Ideas To Life.

-- Process --

How It Works

Theta Coin

Theta is a Crypto Currency & decentralized video delivery network that aims to improve video streaming by utilizing blockchain technology. It operates on the Theta blockchain, which is designed to enable high-quality streaming of video content with reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Theta Blockchain

Theta is blockchain protocol that seeks to incentivize a global network of computers to operate a decentralized video streaming platform. Today, content delivery networks (CDNs), geographically located networks of operators, are paid to deliver video stream content to end-users.

Node Program

A crypto Node.js program refers to a program that utilizes the built-in cryptographic functionality provided by the Node.js runtime. Node.js offers a crypto module that allows you to perform various cryptographic operations, such as encryption, decryption, hashing, signing, and verification.

-- About Theta Fintech

Theta Fintech Solutions:

Theta Fintech Solutions is a cutting-edge financial technology company specializing in crypto currency-based solutions. We are at the forefront of the digital revolution, harnessing the power of blockchain technology to reshape the financial landscape and drive innovation in the world of cryptocurrencies.

At Theta Fintech Solutions, we are driven by a strong belief in the transformative potential of crypto currencies and their ability to revolutionize the way we conduct financial transactions. Our mission is to provide individuals, businesses, and institutions with secure, efficient, and user-friendly solutions for managing and utilizing digital assets.

With a team of seasoned experts in finance, technology, and blockchain, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Whether you are an individual investor looking to navigate the world of crypto currencies, a business seeking to incorporate digital assets into your operations, or a financial institution exploring opportunities in the crypto market, we have the expertise and solutions to help you succeed.

-- Offerings

Core Offerings

Theta Fintech's core offerings includes:

Crypto Wallets: We provide secure and reliable digital wallets that allow users to store, manage, and transact with various crypto currencies. Our wallets prioritize security, privacy, and ease of use, ensuring that your digital assets are protected while giving you full control over your funds.

Crypto Exchange: Our state-of-the-art crypto exchange platform enables users to buy, sell, and trade a wide range of crypto currencies with ease. We offer a seamless and intuitive trading experience, backed by advanced trading tools and robust security measures.

Institutional Services: We collaborate with financial institutions and businesses to develop tailored solutions for their specific needs. Our institutional services include crypto custodial solutions, liquidity provision, OTC trading, and asset management, providing institutions with the infrastructure and expertise to participate in the crypto market confidently.

-- Theta Fintech --


Theta Fintech Solutions has a vision to revolutionise the financial industry by harnessing the power of technology and innovation. We aim to create a future where financial services are accessible, inclusive, and transparent for everyone. As we are using blockchain technology. Through our cutting-edge fintech solutions, we strive to empower individuals and businesses to make smarter financial decisions, achieve their goals, and thrive in the digital economy.

-- Theta Fintech --


Theta Fintech Solutions has missions to provide seamless, secure, and user-centric financial solutions that enhance the financial well-being of our customers. We are committed to leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analytics to deliver innovative products and services. By simplifying complex financial processes and eliminating traditional barriers, we aim to democratise financial services and drive financial inclusion globally. Our relentless focus on customer satisfaction, data privacy, and compliance ensures that we maintain the highest standards of integrity and trust in all our interactions.

-- Theta Coin --

Theta Coin

Theta is a Crypto Currency & decentralized video delivery network that aims to improve video streaming by utilizing blockchain technology. It operates on the Theta blockchain, which is designed to enable high-quality streaming of video content with reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Theta aims to create a decentralized ecosystem where participants can share their idle computing resources and bandwidth to relay video streams to other users. This peer-to-peer network is intended to reduce the reliance on traditional content delivery networks (CDNs) and provide a more efficient and cost-effective solution for video delivery.

The Theta network also includes a native cryptocurrency called Theta Fuel (TFUEL). TFUEL is used as the operational token within the Theta ecosystem and is used for various purposes, such as rewarding network participants, incentivizing content creators, and facilitating transactions within the network.

-- Sponsors --

Green Sponsors